Friday, January 16, 2009

Reflection and Supplication

I have brought shame to your house,
though I claim to know You.
I have doubted Your Son,
though I have felt and seen his essence in my life.

Please, help my past, present, and future NOT be a shameful memory to You.
Please strengthen my faith and reason so I can go forth in Your name.

Let You be my focus!
Only in giving up self and selfish wants will I fully give myself to You.
So please help me! I cannot do it! I cannot bear it!
Please take not Your hand from me.
Help me seek You now and always.

Use me, touch me, embrace me, cleanse me, love me…

In You things are possible!
Help me move mountains in Your name.

Jesus is real and only through Him shall I know You!
Jesus I beg Your forgiveness.
I urge my inner being to know You.
Guide and shine my path.

By example shall I teach my children?
Help me attain their souls for You.

Lead me to oneness with my wife.

I love Thee!
You are worthy of worship and praise.
May I do so forever and ever. Amen!